Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Jerusalem

The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is the second Protestant church in the Old City of Jerusalem (the first being Christ Church near Jaffa Gate). It is a property of the Evangelical Jerusalem Foundation, one of the three foundations of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) in the Holy Land. Built between 1893 and 1898 by the architect Paul Ferdinand Groth (*1859-1955*) following the designs of Friedrich Adler, the Church of the Redeemer currently houses Lutheran congregations that worship in Arabic, German, Danish, and English. The Church, together with the adjoining provost building, is the seat of the Provost of the German Protestant Ministries in the Holy Land ("Evangelisch in Jerusalem"). It also serves as the headquarters of the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, since this Arabic-speaking (Palestinian) church became independent from the German provost in 1979.[1]

Built on land given to King William I of Prussia (after 1870 Kaiser Wilhelm I) in 1869 by Sultan Abdülaziz of the Ottoman Empire, the church was constructed from 1892-1898. The location had been the site of the old church of St. Mary Minor.[2] In 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm II made a trip to Jerusalem to personally dedicate the new church.[3] For the dedication of the church, the Kaiser entered the city on horse back through to specially made ceremonial arches, one a gift of the Ottoman Empire and one a gift from the local Jewish community.[4] The church was dedicated on Reformation Day, 1898. At the dedication, Wilhelm said:

From Jerusalem came the light in splendor from which the German nation became great and glorious; and what the Germanic peoples have become, they became under the banner of the cross, the emblem of self-sacrificing charity.


Since end of May 1940 Redeemer Church had been closed for services. By 1950 first the Palestinian Lutheran congregation resumed services, later the Evangelical congregation of German language followed.[6]

In the garden next to the church is a memorial marking the location of the crusader headquarters of the Order of the Knights of St. John.[7]


Pastors and provosts

Since 1852 a pastor served the Protestant congregation of German language in Jerusalem. Since 1871 the congregation convened in the Muristan Chapel, since the inauguration of Redeemer Church the congregation uses that church and their pastors are ranked provost (German: Propst). The congregation shares Mount Zion Cemetery for their deceased. Between 1903 and 1940 the provostry (Propstei) was located in its own building in #42 Street of the Prophets (today's Jerusalem ORT campus), now it is next to Redeemer Church. Today the provost serves the Protestant congregation of German language and is simultaneously the representative of the Evangelical Church in Germany in Israel, the Westbank and Jordan. In the capacity, he oversees the properties of the Evangelical Jerusalem Foundation and the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria-Foundation in Jerusalem as well as the German Protestant Community Center in Amman, Jordan.

List of pastors and provosts with their terms:[8][9]

See also


  1. ^ Ronecker, Karl-Heinz, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Jerusalem, Verlag Schnell+Steiner, Regensburg 1997, p. 2
  2. ^ Adrian J. Boas, Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusaders, (Routledge, 2001), p.125.
  3. ^ Marian Kent, Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, (Routledge, 1996) p.112.
  4. ^ Paul Charles Merkley, The Politics of Christian Zionism, (Routledge, 1998) p.32
  5. ^ Alfred Sidney Johnson, et. al., The Cyclopedic review of current history, (Garretson, Cox & Co., 1898) p. 935
  6. ^ Dem Erlöser der Welt zur Ehre: Festschrift zum hundertjährigen Jubiläum der Einweihung der evangelischen Erlöserkirche in Jerusalem, Karl-Heinz Ronecker (ed.) on behalf of the 'Jerusalem-Stiftung' and 'Jerusalemsverein', Leipzig: Evangelische Verlags-Anstalt, 1998, p. 247. ISBN 3-374-01706-1.
  7. ^ Abraham Ezra Millgram, Jerusalem Curiosities, (Jewish Publication Society, 1990) p.30.
  8. ^ Gottfried Mehnert, Der Englisch-Deutsche Zionsfriedhof in Jerusalem und die Deutsche Evangelische Gemeinde Jerusalem. Ein Beitrag zur Ökumenischen Kirchengeschichte Jerusalems, (= Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Beihefte; vol. XV), Leiden: Brill, 1971, p. 51.
  9. ^ August Strobel, Deine Mauern stehen vor mir allezeit. Bauten und Denkmäler der deutschen Siedlungs- und Forschungsgeschichte im Heiligen Land, Gießen: Brunnen, 1998, (Biblische Archäologie und Zeitgeschichte; vol. 7), pp. 86seq. ISBN 37655-9807-0.

External links

Media related to [// Lutheran Church of the Redeemer] at Wikimedia Commons